Friday, July 20, 2012

How to Spend Ramadan | What Should be Avoided in Ramadan

The month of Ramadan is the season of divine blessings. It is the month of purification, it is meant for annual renovation of the inner spiritual qualities. It is a golden opportunity for every Muslim to strengthen his 'Iman, to purify his heart and soul and to remove the evil effects of the sins committed by him.
This month invites a Muslim to minimize his other mundane involvements and maximize the acts of worship. One should plan his schedule for this month, before-hand, so as to spare maximum time for 'ibadah.
 Here is a brief list of the acts which should be carried out in Ramadan with due care:

1. To offer every prayer with jama'ah in a masjid.

2. To rise up a little earlier than the exact time of suhoor and to offer the salah of tahajjud. There is no prescribed number of the Tahajjud prayer. Yet, it is better to pray 8 Rak'at.

3. To offer the nafl prayers of Ishraq (two rak'at after sunrise) Duha (Four rak'at which may be performed at anytime after Ishraq before noon) and Awwabin (six rak'at after maghrib).

4. The recitation of the Holy Qur'an. No specific limit is prescribed. But one should recite as much of it as he can.

5. Dhikr or Tasbeeh, specially the following recitations:
(a) سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم
(b) سبحان الله والحمد لله ولا إله إلا الله والله اكبر
(c) استغفرالله ربي من كل ذنب وأتوب إليه
(d)اللهم صل على محمد النبي الأمي وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم
(e) لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله العلي العظيم

Apart from reciting these words, one hundred times each, at a particular time, they may also be continued frequently throughout the day, even if one is engaged in some light work, when walking and when in bed.

6. Prayers and supplications: No particular prayer is prescribed. One can pray for everything he needs both in this world and in the Hereafter. However, the supplications of the Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم are so comprehensive that they encompass all that a Muslim can need in his life and after his death. It is, therefore, much advisable to pray Allah Almighty in the prophetic words used by the Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم.

There are several books where these prophetic supplications have been compiled. Here is the name of two books which should be kept by every Muslim in his home and be used for praying daily:
(i) Al-hisnul-hasin الحصن الحصين By Allamah aljazri.
(ii) Munajat-e-Maqbool مناجات مقبول  By Maulana Ash-raf Ali Thanvi. 
7. Sadaqah (charity): Apart from paying zakah, which is obligatory, one should also pay optional sadaqah in Ramadan according to his best ability. It is reported in authentic ahadith that the Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم used to pay special attention in Ramadan to look after the poor and to help them financially. Therefore, a Muslim should give as much money in sadaqah as he can afford.


All sinful acts should be avoided completely during the month of Ramadan. Although the sinful acts are totally prohibited in Shariah, whether in Ramadan or at any other time, but their prohibition becomes more severe in this month. It is evident that every Muslim avoids certain lawful acts, like eating and drinking, during the fasts. If he continues to commit sins in Ramadan, it will be a mockery to avoid lawful things and yet be engaged in unlawful acts never allowed in Shari'ah. Thus, the abstinence from sins becomes all the more necessary in this month.

Specially the following acts should be avoided totally:

(1) Telling a lie.

(2) Gheebah or backbiting i.e. condemnation of a person in his absence.

(3) Quarrelling.
(The Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم has particularly forbidden from it when one is in the state of fasting. He has directed us that, if someone wants to quarrel in Ramadan, we should tell him that we are fasting, hence we are not prepared to indulge in any quarrel.)

(4) Eating unlawful things.

(5) Earning through unlawful means.

(6) Any act which may harm a person without a valid cause.
(7) Burdening one's servants or employees with a toilsome job beyond their ability, without providing them facilities to carry it out.
In short, one should try his best to refrain from all kinds of sins, and protect his eyes, ears, tongue and all other organs from indulging in an unlawful activity.
Once a Muslim spends the month of Ramadan in this way, he will insha’allah, find himself equipped with a spiritual strength which will facilitate for him to conduct a good Islamic life in accordance with the pleasure of Allah.


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