Thursday, November 7, 2013

Nafl Salat for the Eve of Ashurah and The Fast of Ashurah

On the eve of Ashurah offer 4 rakats Nafl Salat as follows: In every rakat after Surah Fateha recite "Ayetul Kursi" once
and Surah Ikhlas 3 times. After completing this Namaz recite Surah Ikhlas 100 times. Allah Ta’ala will purify such a
person of all their sins and grant them endless bounties and blessings in paradise.

On the eve of "Ashurah" offer 100 rakats Nafl. In each rakat recite Surah Ikhlas 3 times after Surah Fateha. After
Salam recite first ‘Kalimah’ 100 times. Allah Ta’ala will forgive all the sins of such a person.

On the 9th and 10th of Muharram, one should fast. If it is not possible to fast on both days, then every effort should be
made to fast on the 10th day of Muharram, as there is great reward for this fast. (Muslim Shareef).
The following are some of the desirable acts one should do on the day of Ashurah:
1. To observe fast on this day....
2. To give as much charity as you can afford.
3. To perform Nafl Salat prayers.
4. To recite Surah Ikhlas 1000 times.
5. To visit and be in the company of pious Ulema.
6. To place a hand of affection on an orphan’s head.
7. To give generously to one’s relatives.
8. To put surma in one’s eyes.
9. To take a bath.
10. To cut one’s nails.
11. To visit the sick.
12. To establish friendly ties with one’s enemies.
13. To recite Dua-e- Ashurah
14. To visit the shrines of Awliyas and the graves of Muslims.

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