Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Blessings of Vinegar and Health Benefits

“A household which has vinegar will never suffer from poverty”.
(Narrated by Umm, Tirmidhi, Baihaqi)

"Vinegar is a comfort for man” Narrated by Muslim.

“Allah has put blessing in vinegar, for truly it was used by the Prophets before me.”
Narrated by Ayesha, Muslim and Ibn Maja.

‘The best of condiments or condiment is vinegar’. hadith
condiment is any seasonings used to enhance the flavour of food; salt or pepper, spices for example.

The Prophet (s.a.w.s.) was reported to have once remarked that vinegar was the seasoning of all the prophets who came before him.

Prophet Muhammad (saws) liked vinegar.

Jabir narrated, "The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, took me one day with him to his house. He was served some bread. He asked: 'Is there any dip?' They replied 'No, only some vinegar.' He said, 'Vinegar is a good dip.'

Jabir used to say, "I have loved vinegar since I heard it from Allah’s Prophet".

Naf'a said, "I have loved vinegar since I heard it from Jabir."
[Muslim, Abu Dawud, Nasa’i]

Just in case your thinking Vinegar is a Halal and a loved Sunnah and was used by many prophets before.

As soon as you take vinegar (or citric acid, as a powder), it starts to eliminate fatigue. You can notice this in only two hours.

You can confirm this. If you look at your urine two hours after you take vinegar, and you will find it to be more clear. Or, if you are unwilling to look at it closely, examine it with a piece of pH test paper (litmus paper). Before you take vinegar, the pH test paper will show that your urine is acidic, due to fatigue-creating substances in your body.

Two hours after you take vinegar, the test paper will show more alkaline. These results mean that the previous fatigue substances were decreased or removed by taking the vinegar.

The liver dissolves the poisonous matters which were made in our body, so we must always keep it working well. Meat, fish, eggs, coconut oil, greens, and other nourishing foods as well as vinegar act like medicines for the liver.

Some Eastern medicines do believe that depression is the symptom of a "stagnant" or tired liver. If you believe in this philosophy, then apple cider vinegar would help to fight depression, since it is a great medium to help detoxify and clean the liver.

Over the centuries, oxymel– a combination of apple cider vinegar and honey – has been widely used to dissolve painful calcium deposits in the body, for arthritis-like pains and for other health problems such as hay fever.

"Vinegar performs the role of disinfectant for the intestines".

Here is one recipe to make a detox tea with apple cider vinegar just add hot water to 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and sweeten it with maple syrup or organic honey. Making this simple apple cider vinegar liver detox recipe will take only a few minutes with results lasting three to seven days.

A variation of the above apple cider vinegar liver detox recipe calls for a teaspoon each of apple cider vinegar and blackstrap molasses added to a glass of water or lemon water. Drink this mixture upon getting up in the morning.

To soothe pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis by applying a pad soaked with vinegar and water to painful joints.

Some people advise it to be used for gargle for the mouth and throat. It disinfects the inside of the mouth from germs. The usual dosage for gargle is to mix one to three tea spoons of cider vinegar in a glass of water, in morning and at night."

Note: The term ACV = Apple Cider Vinegar

Arthritic pains:
Many suffer from this disease in the west and it is caused by the gathering of metabolic toxic waste in the tissues. In this context, ACV speeds up metabolism and excretes the toxic wastes from the tissues.

Blood pressure:
The potassium in ACV along with other substances makes the blood thinner and is helpful in controlling blood pressure.

Cholesterol control:
Many heart attacks are caused by high fats and cholesterol in your blood. The fiber in ACV helps to absorb fats and cholesterol by expelling them from the body as waste materials.

The dietary fiber in ACV is also helpful in controlling glucose levels in the blood..

Strong Bones:
Minerals like manganese, calcium, magnesium, silicon and iron develop bone mass and make them stronger.

Yeast Infections:
ACV is also useful for yeast infections like Candida caused by the unbalance of acid levels in the body. Making a solution of ACV in warm water and douching can help with the symptoms.

Chest congestion:
Apple cider vinegar is also useful in flu or chest congestion. Applying ACV with pepper on the chest can help relieve some of the congestion.

Sore Throat:
If you have a sore throat, gargle with ACV mixed with water.

In your digestive system hydrochloric acid and pepsin are two essential components that break down the food to be digested properly. The lack of these components can cause food poisoning. ACV has ability to enhance their functionality and help prevent food poisoning.

Nasal Congestions:
Apple cider vinegar is sometimes helpful in nasal congestion.

Vinegar is Useful in well functioning metabolism; Reducing cholesterol (the dangerous LDL cholesterol type); Regulating the water content in the cells and body; Reducing water retention in the body; Reducing excess sodium from the body; Helps with regulating blood pressure; Assists in preventing circulatory problems; Helps with diminishing premature calcification of the arteries; Helps increase concentration and memory; Assists in blood circulation, body temperature as well as vitality and energy.

Vinegar is both cold and hot, nearly balancing between the two. Mixed it with rose water, it is an excellent remedy for toothache and headache. Vinegar dissolves phlegm. Modern medicine also acknowledge its anti-cough, anti-inflammation and digestive properties.

We always have to remember that cider vinegar will not have the same effect on everyone. Some may benefit from it and some may not. Very few people may be allergic to vinegar. Nevertheless vinegar is beneficial for the majority of people.

As we sort through the wisdoms of Prophetic nutrition in our attempt to reconcile them with modern "science," we must always remember what the Qur’an says, “Eat of the good things We have provided for your sustenance, but commit no excess therein." (20:81)

Apple cider vinegar contains ninety different substances.

It also contains important minerals, trace elements and vitamins (as listed underneath) as well acetic acid, propionic acid, lactic acid, enzymes, amino acids as well as roughage in the form of potash and apple pectin.

Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Chlorine, Sodium, Sulfur, Copper, Iron, Silicon, Fluorine. Such as thirteen types of carbolic acids, four aldehydes, twenty ketones, eight ethyl acetates etc. Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Provitamin beta-carotene, Vitamin P.

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