Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Pregnancy Infertility Wazifa Ulad Honey Ka

Are you facing challenges in conceiving and grappling with infertility? You are not alone in this struggle, as infertility is a prevalent issue impacting millions of couples globally. Have you contemplated exploring Islamic spiritual practices as a potential aid in expediting the process of getting pregnant? Pregnancy Infertility Wazifa Ulad Honey Ka, a type of Islamic prayer, has been embraced by numerous women seeking to enhance their chances of conceiving a child. This article delves into the concept of Wazifa for pregnancy, elucidating its essence, functionality, and its potential to contribute to a faster conception journey.

Pregnancy Infertility Wazifa Ulad Honey Ka

Performing Wazifa for pregnency conceiving a child is a simple process. Firstly, one needs to have complete faith and sincerity in Allah. Then, the following steps can be taken:

1. Set a peaceful and quiet place to perform Wazifa.
2. Take a bath or perform ablution (Wudu).
3. Wear clean and clothes.
4. Sit facing the Qibla
5. Recite Surah Al-Fatiha 7 times.
6. Recite the following verse 21 times: “Rabbana Hablana Min Azwajina Wadhuriyati Qurrata A’yunin Wajalna Lil Muttaqina Imamah”
7. Make dua (supplication) to Allah for a child with sincerity and humility.

Do this Pregnancy Infertility Wazifa Ulad Honey Ka daily for 40 days. Inn shaa Allah you will conceive and have a child.

For Rules to do Wazifa and Taweez check this link 


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