Friday, August 15, 2014

A Secret for the Acceptance of Dua

Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi (DB) in his book “Dua- The Essence of Worship” shares a deep secret with his readers- A Secret for the acceptance of Dua. He says in his book: Some say: Hazrat we make a lot of dua’s but it is not accepted, students many times say that they are in difficulties, even the ulma’s and scholars request for dua’s. He says: I will teach my friends a secret for the acceptance of dua’s. If you practice upon it, InshaAllah, you will no longer need to search of the Isme Azam. You will see it before your eyes your dua’s being accepted just as you complete it. I have experienced this not a hundred times but a thousand times. The action is small but the results are great. The secret for the acceptance of dua’s that the author has learnt from his elders and that he has experienced thousands of times is:
Whenever a time comes in your life when you have the opportunity to commit a sin and you refrain due to fear of Allah, at that very moment, make a dua to Allah and Allah will InshaAllah, accept your dua at that very moment.
After one has refrained from a particular sin, any dua done with full faith, full trust and full humility comming from the depths of the heart should suffice for acceptance, however, we would like to share a simple general format of making dua, which InshaAllah, will complement your dua’s…
Format 1: With full faith, full trust and full humility, raise your hands if possible or make dua in your heart and pray to Allah with these words immediately after you have refrained from a particular sin..
Bismillaahi-ALLAH humma Sali’ala Muhammad Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam ! O Allah, O My Rabb …..make a dua….please accept my dua through Your immense Mercy and Kindness. ’Ameen. Ya Rabbil ‘A-Lameen!- 3x or more
Format 2: With full faith, full trust and full humility, raise your hands if possible or make dua in your heart and pray to Allah with these words immediately after you have refrained from a particular sin..
Ya Arhamar Rahemeen, Ya Arhamar Rahemeen, Ya Arhamar Rahemeen! O Allah, O My Rabb….make a dua …..please accept my dua for the sake of Your beloved Prophet Muhammed Sallallaahualaihi wasallam ! – 3x or more


  1. So, you have to wait for a change when an opportunity for committing sin comes? Is this not an UTTER NON-SENSE?

    1. I'm sure this is not what he meant. This post in no ways encourages one to wait until a temptation of sin. (of course, it's better to avoid things that may tempt one in the first place. But this world is full of temptation!can't deny that. so, when one faces with temptation, it's a struggle to refrain from it. There can be hardly someone who has not gone through this struggle).

      This is a beautiful post! Not only it inspires hope (that there are better thing than a sin, & in stead of doing gunah, you can earn nekih- wow what a beautiful positive thought) , it reminds us to be strong in the face of temptation , not to lose hope & at the same time, encourage us to make dua (at the time of gunah, AND always)

      You don't need to wait for anything. We can try to be good NOW & here, including at the time of a temptation & even after gunah (through tawbah).

      we don't wait for an opportunity for commiting sin, we constantly keep trying to improve ourselves & be better persons.

      Hope this answer helps. :)

  2. Hitting around the bush with jargon! The point is there is no secret in this post. No matter what you write. Please stop misleading people in the name of religion.

  3. We shouldn't show disrespect to our elders. Who knows, what the shaik said might be right. All of us tend to sin sometime or the other, when we get the urge to sin but we stop for the fear of Allah then Allah might like that action and reward it by accepting our prayer.
